It's going to be a busy weekend, this one.  We've got two events to visit so please do come to one or both of them to support the club.

Firstly, there's the 40k Paint'n'Play event at the Clubhouse on Sunday 9th June where experienced painters and players will be on hand to help you advance in the hobby.  There will be games a-plenty to join in with.

Things you will need:
a water pot
a pallette wet or dry is fine
and minis
Please make sure your minis are assembled and primed.
If you are not interested in the class but want to come and paint/assemble please feel free to come along and pull up a pew and do your own thing in good company
Also we are appearing in a demo game at Battlefield 1403 on Sunday!  Paul Glover and helpers will be on hand to explain to the public what actually happened at Battlefield (formerly know as "Field" I suppose) in 1403, and why we need to commemorate it. It's a full day event, so you'll be most welcome to come along and have an enjoyable day at all the events going on there.

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