
Location: Pimley Beta III

Mission: Learning the rules for May's Partizan event where SWS are fielding a 14 x 4 table. We confined ourselves to a 6 x 4 and just 1500 points each for openers. Space Marines versus Solar Auxilia, or Iron Warriors vs Cthonian Headhunters to be precise. Nick's opening gambit was to deepstrike a bunch of terminators behind a recce  detachment of Cthonian Sentinel walkers that had yet to move further forward. The Sentinels turned and responded with a withering blast of multi-laser and rockets, cutting down half the terminators. However, having passed their morale check, Nick elected to charge the now depleted ( and somewhat pissed) terminators in for a flurry of close combat fisticuffs. Being a mere squishy human inside a lightweight tin can on stilts, the Sentinels predictably perished leaving a nasty stain on the mousepad. Other highlights included Nick's air support flattening my aerial contingent ( and many tanks) courtesy of its extra 2inch of missile range  Who knew? Clearly not the Cthonian commander.

 In summary the Cthonians were routed by the end of turn 2! Many thanks to Nick for the gentle, considerate and fully inclusive lesson in unmitigated slaughter - but what else should we expect from the Iron Warriors? Perhaps all those hazard stripes should have been a clue.

20250228 AAR

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