
[Chairman's note: Another brilliant day organised by Paul Ireland and other fine members of the club.  Paul's beautifully-painted collection made up the majority of the forces on both sides of this Pike and Shotte game.  The club was well-represented with about five gamers per side taking part for a full day's gaming.  Judging by the comments at the end, everyone had a good time.  Many thanks to all concerned but especially to Paul and to Tim & Tom who set up the evening before].Wigs and Lace

Well here is the one you have all been desperately anticipating the battle of the year. War of the Spanish Succession, game on Saturday 28th. Firstly my big thanks to Tym and Tom for going out of their way to set up the tables on the day before, then on the day carrying all my figures upstairs for me and sorting out the brigades ready for the players.
So the game was very loosely on the battle of Blenheim, warning do not go looking for accuracy here.
The orbat as follows, French under Villars. 21 infantry battalion's, 25 squadrons of cavalry. 5 batteries of two guns.
Up against Maritime powers, 24 battalion's of infantry, 21 squadrons of cavalry. five batteries of guns.
Rules used Pike and Shotte, with a few adjustments.
We played around seven turns all day. eight players participated, plus a few visitors.
Players, Tym Corbett, Tom Corbett, David Shergold, Jonathon Carter, Ian Morgan, Andrew Collyer, Chris Kalinowski, John Turner,
The game started with two turns of fog, allowing if lucky for up to six moves per side without being shot at, if outside of 12 inches from any other unit.
Each side/ team played well, but in the end it had to be the French winning this time round, lots of blunders, lots of rubbish die rolls, many disorders and routs. The cavalry fights brutal.
I hope everyone enjoyed the day, well done to all for entering into the spirit of the game. here is my photo dump. I hope you enjoy. [Paul Ireland]

What a great day of Battle. Paul Ireland's collection of War of Spanish Succession figures gave a close and narrow victory for the French (one of the Allied players having Family duties!). All well played especially in the Christmas spirit. Great break in between Christmas and New Year. [Tim]

Thanks Paul for hosting a great looking game played in the spirit of good gaming and lovely figures. Looking forward to a rematch 👍
Happy New Year to one and all and good gaming in 2025 [Andy Collyer]
Thanks Paul for organising a great game. [Chris Kalinowski]
Album of photos here.  They really are stunning figures.

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