SWS presents our inaugural 40 Tournament.  We're quite excited that we now have a HUGE 40k membership, and that we're running a competition with other clubs!  

Andrew Rawlings organised the day, single-handedly making this the best competition in this part of the world.  We're looking forward to next year when it can only get bigger.

Here's a link to the gallery of pics from the day.

End of game 3 results
Sws 756
Mm 747
Swg 597
Nerdy 334
Jason sws best general
Best team SWS 
Most sporting barney
best painted mark
Thank you to everyone that attended.
And helped in any small way all was appreciated.
Special thanks to Mighty Melee Games for their incredible generosity kindness and help organising.
Thanks to Nerdy and Stafford war games guild for helping out and bringing so terrain.
On a personal note it was a pleasure to meet you all I had a great day.

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