
Did you know that SWS has an active TikTok channel?  Managed by the most excellent Paul Titley, it's a fantastic record of the great meetings and events that we have.  Click here to visit  or see Paul's handiwork below.


Paul mashes photos and videos together to give us a record of the goings-on at our fantastic club, dubbed by one of our visitors as "Shrewsbury's premier tabletop gaming space" (thanks Mighty Melee - praise from the praiseworthy is praise indeed).  Whilst some of our club are a bit bashful about letting you know what a good club we are, others would like to let you know that we're up there with the best.  Paul's got us 1500 followers on TikTok, but we are even more amazing in real life so come on over to see what we get up to.  We will be pleased to see you!

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