
Back in the days of yore when the world was young, SWS ran an event known as Marcher.  People came from far and wide to hear the fantastic tales of the fallen heroes and do tabletop battle with them. The Marcher event goes down in history and is held in some reverence when the name is spoken by the Club Elders.

Things have changed slightly in that there's no public event any more but we still celebrate Marcher with a weekend of gaming.  This year 7th-8th December sees the event happening.  There will be beer, likely cake too, and a curry in the evening as we watch an appropriate film.

So far we have 7 or 8 tables booked for games, including Ancients, Napoleonics, WW2/Modern aircraft and others.  If you would like to host a table there are one or two left at the time of writing.  You would be very welcome to join us for the day(s) and the evening festivities.

One comment

  • Marcher Day on the 7th December was a fantastic festival of wargaming.  Games played included:

    Plancenoit (Andy Collyer and friends/foes) - Result: Prussians1, French 0 




    Battle of Plevna (Chris Kalinowski and chums) - Result TBC

    Something Nasty in the 41st Millennium (Justin R and Matt McManus) - Result TBC


    Four in a Day - WW2 Air Battle (Dale, Doug and Nye) - Result TBC